Chronic. Well controlled with current medication regimen. No acute issues at this time.
-Check thyroid function tests on admission
-Continue with home medication
#Diabetes Mellitus
Uncomplicated. Goal blood glucose level 140-180 mg/dL while inpatient per NICE SUGAR trial. No acute issues at this time.
-Check HgbA1c on admission
-Home medications:
-[WITH DIET] POCT blood glucose checks AC & HS with correctional insulin scale as needed to achieve euglycemia.
-[NPO] POCT blood glucose check q6 hours while NPO with correctional insulin scale as needed to achieve eyglycemia.
#chronic steroid use
PCP ppx?
Sporadic insulinomas tend to occur in patients age 40 years and older; therefore, the diagnosis of insulinoma in a younger patient is cause to screen for multiple endocrine neoplasia type